I used to like the sea

Biography/War, Belgium 2018

They come from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or Eritrea. Accompanied by their parents, they have fled war and persecution. Propelled on the roads, these children of exile had to face, despite their young age, multiple dangers to reach Europe. Others never made it to the end of their journey, swallowed up in the Mediterranean Sea, the cold of the mountains or the networks of slavery. But once in Europe, in Belgium, how do you rebuild yourself, how do you create a place for yourself in a setting that is completely different from your city, your village, in a Red Cross reception center? How to make plans while waiting for months, years, for recognition of refugee status, which may not be granted. In this time-space full of hopes, the film puts itself at the level of the children and collects their words. From their country and their journey, they have images, emotions, nightmares and fears. And they all have one thing in common: they no longer like the forest, the mountains or the sea...
69 min
Starting at 8
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Idriss Gabel

Sound Design:

Pascal Zander

Original title:

Je n'aime plus la mer

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 8

Audio language:


