In Trieste, a family teeters on the edge of desperation. Their teenage son, Giovanni, is blind, and his mother, Cora, lives solely for him. Angelo, the father and former professor, ekes out a living by delivering newspapers at night. Their isolated and quiet existence is disrupted by the arrival of Dusan, a Serbian man scarred by the conflict in Kosovo. Dusan accuses Angelo of being involved in the disappearance of his wife and daughter. This accusation compels Angelo to confront the truth and open his eyes to the reality around him.
In Trieste, a family teeters on the edge of desperation. Their teenage son, Giovanni, is blind, and his mother, Cora, lives solely for him. Angelo, the father and former professor, ekes out a living by delivering newspapers at night. Their isolated and quiet existence is disrupted by the arrival of Dusan, a Serbian man scarred by the conflict in Kosovo. Dusan accuses Angelo of being involved in the disappearance of his wife and daughter. This accusation compels Angelo to confront the truth and open his eyes to the reality around him.