Season 1 | Episode 15

Max & Maestro

Art/Animation, Germany/Italy 2018

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The Ninjas have the unique chance to apply for the International Music Festival of Schools in Rio. But the competition never sleeps, and of course the T-Rex crew also wants to win the ticket to Brazil. A fierce competition breaks out. A problem the maestro can also sing a song about, because his two solo pianists, whom he is teaching for a performance at a peace festival, are two full-blown squabblers. So Maestro Barenboim tries to reconcile the two with a gesture of peace. And since school director Ångström threatens to exclude both the ninjas and the T-Rex crew from the competition if the disputes are not settled, Max also has an interest in making peace.
12 min
Starting at 6
Audio language:

More information

Original title:

Max & Maestro

Original language:


Further titles:

Max et Maestro


1:1.33 SD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

Audio language:


Further links:

The Movie Database